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06-02-2021, 10:34 AM   #1

Saturday Daily

Good morning Pamela, Shelley, Yola, Kazz and anyone else who might pop in.

It's Saturday evening here after a nice day but it's windy outside now and a chance of rain overnight. I seem to be in the midst of things going wrong here. First it was my vacuum that refused to go ,then my steam mop wouldn't heat up and now today, my oven won't work if i switch it over to thermowave. It still goes fine as a conventional oven but i usually use the thermowave feature, so I'm rather cross. !!! Thinking of getting a Dyson stick vacuum but not sure if it would cope with the cat fur. I don't know anyone who has one, so will read some reviews online tomorrow.

My cousin came round for lunch today as usual and we had chinese that she had made. Her poor dog is still not the best, despite the special food. From what i can remember, the dog has always had a sensitive tummy, but this bout has gone on for a while now. My cousin has to get up 3-4 times a night to let the dog outside to go to the toilet, so no one in the house is getting much sleep. The vet is going to scan the dog's tummy next week if there is no improvement.

PAMELA, sorry that your lockdown restrictions haven't lifted for you. It must be depressing for you all. Still, the end is in sight At least they'll be reviewed at the end of February That's not too far away.I hope you have a good time at your dad's today and I know he'll be looking forward to seeing both his girls.It's nice that you're bringing him some wee treats. I bet he'll enjoy those yummy cakes.

KAZZ. I hope you had a fantastic week off work. Sounds as if you were very busy doing all that house work., but Gert must have loved having you at home all day.I'm sorry you didn't see any good bargains at the garden centre though.Perhaps next time.

SHELLEY, that lentil loaf does indeed sound interesting Hope it was yummy.Sounds as if you,too,had a busy day off work yesterday cleaning your windows.Gosh, it puts me to shame.I bet you enjoyed that sign and wine session last night. Pity about the wine though.Sparkling grape juice is a good alternative and that's what I have . I got really really drunk on wine a long time ago but I still remember it clearly. it lasted for days. Every time i went out into the air ,I felt ill again. I've never repeated it.

YOLA,I hope you got your food waste bin collected. You most certainly don't want that rubbish hanging around for long.Your son sounds as if he's made up his mind about the car he wants.What a lucky young man he is to be, getting such a nice car. Hope your exercises are going well and you've been able to get the steroid shots for your knees.

Well everyone, have a good weekend. Hope the weather is a bit better for you all. At least your spring is on its way. Going to watch the rest of Red Eye on DVD ,then going to bed with Snoddy.

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06-02-2021, 02:18 PM   #2

Re: Saturday Daily

Right been out with Gert really foggy she was unsure about running too far after her ball as I was out of her sight, but she overcame it just as quickly when I stood still instead of walking on. She is normally not fussed but the fog was dense as we came down the track. Came home and remeasured also have some pavers left over (almost forgot about them as they are sitting on the wall so am planning on paving the top raised bit of the garden and removing my worn out grass. But increasing the planting up there. with some chunky plants and paving around them best I can a summer spring job I think. Be a nice place to put maybe a chair.

Also been to the butchers and Iceland may say I strongly recommend their own brand wood fired pizza scrumptious.

Back out with Gert and back home have cut and now given first coat of preserver for the wood I plan to use to create a sort of arch frame coming off the summer house making an entrance so to speak to the lower grass. Also marked out where I need to dig a hole to put a new washing line post in shortening the line away from the patio area is my plan.

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06-02-2021, 07:18 PM   #3

Re: Saturday Daily

Hi Dinky and Kazz,

Dinky i think we must have posted similar times!!

It doesnt sound like you are having a good day with electrical appliances!! It can only get better!! Your chinese sounds good!! I do hope your cousins dog gets better.

Kazz, glad Gert got back to you ok with the fog. Its definitely not the grit that is making Barney limp as he can be ok on the walk like he has done the last couple of days but then limp after chilling in the house. We think he has pulled a muscle as he is an idiot when the door goes and jumps off the couch barking!!

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06-02-2021, 07:19 PM   #4

Re: Saturday Daily


Good morning everyone,

Its wet and windy here again today. We are doing shorter walks just now as Barney is limping on one of his front legs so lead walks and rest for him and it seems to be working.

I am going to my dads today as he has asked if my sister and i if we can help him clean and also go through stuff in the loft. I am also looking at edging and lighting for my garden as i want to make it look really nice this year.

We will have a take away from our favourite local Indian restaurant tonight as a treat

Not much planned for tomorrow. Probably more f the same from today with looking at garden stuff. I am also getting a sundial for the garden as a wee memorial of sort for my mum so will need to dig into the garden as it has a slight slope. Lots planned for this years garden and looking forward to it

Yola i hope your son gets his new car and enjoys it.
Shelley ad Kazz, what are your plans for the weekend?
Dinky, how is the weather over there? I do hope it has cooled down for you.

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