Warm Friday.
Good morning everyone .
Friday early evening here after another pleasant day, although that's all about to change according to Dan, the weather man. We certainly have had beautiful weather over the last week though and the temperature doesn't drop much at night either ,so it's hard to sleep. Heavy rain and colder weather is now coming and I'm gonna LOVE it.
This week I've been trying to clean up the back conservatory, but haven't done much as it gets too hot out there .I've rearranged all my books in the big bookcase though and ripped up more cardboard boxes to be recycled, although I'll have more boxes next week when i buy the cat litter.
My BP is still higher than it should be but has come down.It continues to drop dramatically whenever I stand up from sitting and so i still get dizzy, but i'm finally heading in the right direction.On Wednesday next week, i have a blood test to check my potassium levels and I;m hoping that they are not high, otherwise I'm going to have to stop the meds from the cardiologist. I've been eating foods that have low potassium levels, but gosh I'd kill for a banana (or three).
Hopefully my cousin will come round tomorrow and bring me a big bag of wild bird seed. The supermarkets over this side of town don't have it at the moment and my poor birds are on reduced rations, which they're not happy about.
PAMELA, sorry the weather has been a lot colder for you over the last few days. At least you are able to wear PJ bottoms sometimes which must be comfortable and warm. I haven't heard of Intruder but obviously it must be good.I hope we can eventually get it here.How exciting about your new stair carpet. It will look lovely when it's installed. What will the cats and dogs think of it ?
SHELLEY,sorry about your cold weather as well.You must have been busy sorting out your collection over your holiday break and washing dolls clothes. I hope your swap with your friend went well yesterday. Did you end up with the bears or the Steiff toy ? I've got my eye on a wee Steiff sleeping fawn listed on trademe, but it's quite expensive and i probably won't bid on it. It'll be great when those shops open for you all on the 12th. AND yes, you are all welcome to come to NZ but I think our weather is about to turn nasty and you don't want that.Hang in there - your summer is nearly there.
YOLA, another one experiencing cold weather, but as i said to Shelley, the summer weather is just around the corner for you.I do agree that NZ is a good place but here in Christchurch, we are getting daily earthquakes and always will as our city is criss-crossed with fault lines and most of our beautiful heritage buildings lie in ruins.That son of yours must be very talented at hockey. Who knows where that talent will take him.It's a lot of work for you though, but I'm sure he's very grateful. I hope your eyes have settled down a bit for you today. Sore eyes are no fun, especially when you have to spend time on a computer.
KAZZ, hope all is well with you and Gert.
Well everyone,I'm off now to have a cup of herbal tea then blob out in front of the TV. What a hectic life I lead. !!!
Have a good Friday everyone and stay warm.