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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
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21-09-2021, 06:44 AM   #1

Tuesday Daily.

Good morning everyone,
Tuesday tea time here and it's been a warm and windy day , up to 21 degrees, which was perfect for getting my washing dry.I'm going to put another load through tonight once I hear the weather forecast for tomorrow. I've got marinated chicken cooking away nicely in the crock pot and it smells heavenly.Going to have chicken, yams and coleslaw for tea tonight.

I spoke too soon about poor Dickens. Last week I thought he was coming right, but he's been very unwell again with the same problem. I went to Michele this time,and she's given him another longer course of antibiotics.. Stupid me wouldn't let her take a urine sample from him as he would have to be sedated to do it. Dickens has a heart murmur and I'm so worried about giving him an anaesthetic. Unfortunately if he's no better after this course, he's going to have to have it. Today is the first day where he's been able to sleep for a few hours without having to get up to use every litter box in the house. (usually with no result). Again, I had to cancel the groomer, so poor Dickens is still matted It's awful when your animal is unwell, isn't it ?

My cousin's dog now has another lump coming up on her back, close to where the first one was.It may be nothing but my cousin is going to ask her vet to do a biopsy if need be. Hopefully it won't need to be removed this time.

Haven't been doing much else except cleaning up and watching Dickens closely.I found some beautiful notebooks in the hall cupboard (Wrendale ones) with lovely animal pictures in them, so am going to give them to a preschool and the children can make cards with them. I've kept a couple of cat ones though.

PAMELA, sounds as if college life is going well for you.I hope your assessment today goes well.It's good that you can still make time to go running - that 5km run with no stops sounds really good. Did you end up going to Inverarary last weekend ? What on earth is a puffer ? Is it a boat ?

SHELLEY, those home improvements sound super. Lucky you.You'll be looking forward to winter with that new central heating, I bet.I hope your Christianity course is going well. I'm stuck on an essay question for mine - " Is it right to point out the doctrinal errors in other religions ?" I know the answer they want is yes, but personally ,I feel that everyone has the right to believe what they want to believe and nobody has the right to tell them otherwise. I'm not sure how I'm going to answer ,because the essay is worth 5 points and i want those points. !!!

Well, off to put the veges on now. Dickens has just woken up, so must keep my eye on him.

Have a really good Tuesday everyone.

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21-09-2021, 07:10 AM   #2

Re: Tuesday Daily.

Hello everyone, Dinky so sorry that Dickens is unwell again, I do hope you can get to the bottom of it, pardon the pun. It's such a worry isn't it.
Yes that question is very hard to answer, not sure what I'd do.
Could you say that you know the correct answer but also point out your belief?
My study days are not for any qualification, at the moment we have started to look at parables.
Sadly feeling a bit miffed on the god front, I have another friend who is very poorly, I can't seem to reconsile that god wants them.
Went for a lovely meal last night with friends I used to work with.
It was the first time since the first lockdown that we've had a catch up.
Off to work soon.
Pamela, hope your assessment goes well.

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Almost a Veteran Member
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21-09-2021, 10:02 AM   #3

Re: Tuesday Daily.

A quick update . Just now, at 8.47pm, Dickens used the litter box and did a reasonable amount (certainly not his usual drop) for the first time in days. He is much happier now and is looking out the window in the back conservatory. I'm now going to crush up his antibiotic and give it to him shortly. Janna and I are both thrilled . I pray that the new medication is finally kicking in and he won't need to be sedated after all.

Shelley,yes, I am going to start my essay by stating the "correct" answer and back it with scripture, then move on to my own view and also back that up with scripture passages. If I don't get the full 5 points, then so be it.
I'm sorry about your friend and will pray for a full recovery for him/her. I know what you mean when you say you feel miffed. Why a loving God can permit such evil and suffering in the world is beyond me too. Sometimes nothing makes much sense.
Glad you had a lovely meal last night, especially with friends that you haven't seen for a while.
Have a good day at work.

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21-09-2021, 07:12 PM   #4

Re: Tuesday Daily.

Hi Dinky, great news about Dickens and his wee, fingers crossed the tablets are working.
There is a special feline urine collection kit on ebay, Katcor, its non absorbant cat litter which means the urine goes into the bottom of the tray which you then collect with the pipette.
Sadly it is unlikely my friend will get better, so shocking.
Sounds like a plan with your assignment, good luck.
Let me know how you do.

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