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17-10-2021, 04:54 AM   #1

Sunny Sunday.

Good morning everyone. It's been a beautiful sunny Sunday here today and my washing is all lovely and dry outside. My cousin has just left, after coming round for lunch - grilled cheese rolls and mini pancakes with jam and cream. Ended up watching" Meet The Parents" which was on TV this afternoon, but feel a bit guilty as I should really have done a bit of housework. I feel the need for a pre-xmas clean up descending upon me, so will try and begin tomorrow. I still have heaps of things that I really want to get rid of, as they just clutter up the place and I'm getting sick of it. Trouble is there are some things that I just can't bear to give away, even though I have no use for them. I think I'm turning into a hoarder. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have all my cousin's stuff stored here too and that doesn't seem to be going anywhere. !!! Such is life.

Dickens has been sleeping most of the day on the old lazy- boy chair in the front conservatory.At least he's not running to the litter box all the time, and he appears to be comfortable. Still hasn't eaten much though, but has been drinking a little more.

SHELLEY,you've been having a busy time entertaining your dad and your son's mate on Friday night. I hope they enjoyed their meal.It was good of you and Howard to accompany your son to the football match yesterday, especially as you were dreading it. I bet it wasn't as bad as you thought. What we do for our children, eh ? Dickens pain relief was in liquid form, which I squirted into his mouth. The medication for stress related cystitis is in capsule form which I open and mix in with a tiny bit of wet food, and place into his mouth. and all around his lips ,which he then licks off. Gosh, it's so much easier to medicate a dog. I am also planning to buy a Feliway diffuser to see if that helps.

PAMELA, hope you are having a good weekend and relaxing with your pets.Are you all up to date with your course work ?

YOLA, hope all is well with you and your eye is feeling much better.

Have a fantastic Sunday everyone. Not sure what to have for tea tonight, as I'm still rather full from lunch. Have taken out some chicken kebabs ,so may have those with salad., but we won't eat until much later, as it's currently too hot to turn the oven on. Might go and do a bit more of my essay for my Bible course instead.

Stay safe everyone.

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17-10-2021, 08:01 AM   #2

Re: Sunny Sunday.

Morning Dinky and anyone to follow.

Dinky, so glad Dickens is more settled. Must be a bit of a relief for you. Glad he has been groomed as well and still has most of his fur I do hope Betsy gets on ok when she goes to get groomed. When Harris stopped eating we tried everything and the one thing we managed to get him to eat was baby food!! He loved it and actually ate it. The vet said it wasnt an ideal food but the main aim was to get him eating so he told us to go with it and gradually get him back on to his normal food and it worked. Might help for Dickens?

Your neighbour sounds like a bit of a nightmare!! i like to feed the birds as well and have a feeder in my garden. I am lucky to have a lovely elderly neighbour beside who doesnt mind at all. Also glad to hear that Joah is getting better.

Your lunch sounds lovely!! I know how hard it is to through stuff away or give it to charity but i always feel better once i have a clear out. Did you get your essay done?

Shelley, how was the football? I hope your team won? Sounds like you had a lovely night on Friday.

We haven't been up to much. Steven starts his new job tomorrow so he is a bit nervous about it but i know he will do great. We have also realised that we needed a second car as he will have the car all day and i need a car on a Tuesday night for college so i bought a car on Friday night and pick it up on Wednesday which is nice as it is mums birthday on Wednesday. I have just bought a 4 year old Vauxhall corsa but t is a sporty model

I also had a bulk order of snuffle mats so we delivered them yesterday and i have another bulk order to do as well now!! Its keeping me busy at the moment!!

I am up to date on my course work just now but will need to miss Tuesdays lesson as i have no car!! One of the girls is going to help me after the class so i don't fall behind as this class is a tough one.

Not much planned today, walk the dogs and shopping. My friend is bringing me panniers for my bike today and i am giving her snuffle mat in exchange We are also having a roast chicken for dinner and rotisserie cooking it in our airfryer. Looking forward to it!!

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17-10-2021, 06:46 PM   #3

Re: Sunny Sunday.

Evening everyone,
Been a very busy weekend and feeling very tired.
The football match was a draw but we all quite enjoyed it.
Chris doesn't cope well with crowds but was OK.
Saw my eldest son and fiance for a short time today, I let them choose a bear each from mum's collection.
Dinky the huge prams at last weeks fair contained reborn dolls.
Pamela, glad your course is going well and hope Steven has a good first day at work.
Yola, hope you had a good weekend.

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