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14-11-2021, 05:59 AM   #1

Sunny Sunday

Good morning everyone
Sunday afternoon here and another nice day ,although not too hot at 21 degrees. Had a quiet weekend with my cousin coming round yesterday for lunch. She provided ham/salad rolls which were yummy. Mind you, food is always nice when you don't have to make it yourself. Today ,Brenna (minus children) called in for lunch and I made a mushroom omelette.

Dickens is now out of pills as of tonight and the vet hasn't got any more. They're on back order, and I'm really annoyed. She's trying another supplier tomorrow to see if she can get some for me. If not, poor Dickens is going to go downhill fast. I also can't get any of the RC Calm cat biscuits - none available anywhere in the south island and can't get them sent from the north island due to covid restrictions. Now the cats are on RC Kitten biscuits, which are the only RC available down here. They love them, probably because of the high fat content in them. Gosh, they're huge cats now. ! hate to think what they'll be like when they finish the bag.

Going to have chicken kebabs tonight for tea, with a kumara bake.

PAMELA,I'm glad Mia was OK with the fireworks this year.We still have some idiots letting them off around here every night around 11pm, and the cats are terrified. What a great gift for Steven. I haven't heard Gerry Cinnamon myself but i have heard of him. Steven will be thrilled to get those tickets and you'll both enjoy it. July isn't that long to wait. It's always so good when you find the perfect gift for someone Does he know he's going to get them or will it be a complete surprise ?

SHELLEY, how was your charity ball last night ? I hope you didn't have to work too hard there. You'll probably be a bit tired today as I guess it would have finished late. Good for you and Chris having your booster shots. NZ is in the process of rolling out the boosters ,but at this stage, they'll only be available to certain groups. I hope your work mate is getting through her covid journey OK and your daily tests are continuing to come back negative.

Well everyone, have a good Sunday. I'm going to go and put the kebabs in the oven now.

Take care everyone.

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14-11-2021, 09:24 AM   #2

Re: Sunny Sunday

Morning Dinky,

Sounds like you had a lovely lunch with Brenna I do hope you can get Dickens tablets as soon as possible, he may surprise you though and do ok without them. My Harris loves kitten food as well!!

I do hope you enjoyed your dinner.

Shelley, how was your ball last night? I hope you had a lovely night.

Steven doesnt know he is getting the tickets i will be waiting until Christmas to give them to him as a surprise

Shelley, i am out on the bike today. One of the girls from the group (ive never met her but heard a lot about her) is in a hospice close to me so there is a bike ride organised to go to the home as she is a biker.

My friend and i had a 5km running event last night. I got a personal best on my time and we also finished our NC500 virtual challenge. We had to complete 500miles and we get a medal as well. We just need to find our next challenge!

Have a lovely day ladies, i need to go an get organised as need to leave about 930am to get to the meeting point!

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