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15-11-2021, 08:35 AM   #1

Sunny Monday.

Good morning Pamela and Shelley.
Monday evening here after another warm day. It's cooler now, thank goodness. I think it's going to be colder tomorrow with a high wind warning, but that won't worry me.
I went off to Animates pet shop this morning and bought some more RC Kitten biscuits. They actually had 3 bags of RC Calm food ,but it was for dogs, not cats unfortunately. AND Janna went up to the vet's and picked up a months supply of Dickens' pills which Michele managed to get in for me.Poor Dickens has had a bad day as there have been workmen digging up the footpath opposite our house.Even though he can't hear the noise of their drills, he can sense vibrations and he's spent the day hiding behind the curtains in the bedroom and hasn't eaten anything. Luckily the men and the noise has finished for the night, but it looks as if they'll be back tomorrow I see he's finally come out now and is in the back conservatory ,waiting to go out on the back lawn. I'll give him a pill when he comes in again, as I don't want to freak him out just yet.

One of my knees is aching really badly and I think I may have been overdoing the resistance band exercises.I'll give them a break tomorrow and mention it to the physios on Wednesday when I see them again.

PAMELA, well done you for finishing your NC virtual challenge. I can remember when you started that. You've certainly earned your medal. AND congrats for achieving your personal best on time on Saturday. You should be very proud.What a nice idea to visit the biker club member in the hospice. I'm sure she would have appreciated your visit, and I hope you enjoyed it as well.

SHELLEY, how are you and Chris after your booster shots? Our booster programme begins on 28 November but you can't have it until 6 months after your last shot, which I guess is the same for you. Did you have a good time at the ball ? I hope you managed to get a couple of dances.

Well everyone, have a good week. Hope the weather is kind to you both, and you're managing to find a wee bit of sunshine. I'll send you some of ours if you would like. !!!

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15-11-2021, 09:09 AM   #2

Re: Sunny Monday.

Hello Dinky and Pamela,
The ball raised a massive £70,000
Sadly I didn't enjoy it, just not my thing but was a lovely evening for those who like that sort of event.
Chris and myself have been mostly OK after the booster, I just felt a little off but hard to put my finger on why.
Pamela, well done with your personal best on the run and also well done completing your challenge.
Dinky, so pleased you managed to get the taets for Dickens and hope the workmen aren't too noisy again, poor boy.
Off to work now.

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