Sunny Sunday.
Good morning everyone. Sunday afternoon here and a beautiful 21 degree day. Not too hot - just how I like it. I've spent the day doing three loads of washing because I've got a washing mania at the moment.Just hoping it doesn't rain tomorrow now, as I've still got one last load to hang out then. All the cats blankets are lovely and fresh again.
My cousin came round yesterday as usual and provided us with a spinach and feta quiche which was nice. We sat and watched a DVD that she'd bought round - The Equalizer- which I didn't really enjoy due to all the swearing, but she liked it.
Dickens is a lot better now, but still very nervous. Thankfully the workmen have now gone, but not sure if they have finished, as the safety barriers are still up. Providing Dickens has 2 of his pills a day, he seems to be OK. Betsey is less knotty now ,as I've been able to get quite a few off her. I'm still going to take her back to Michele though ,to finish her off. Gosh, that sounds ominous !!!
My exercise class continues to be hard and painful. I've got 4 more weeks of it and honestly, the day after I've been, I can hardly walk. Others are experiencing the same thing. I do the resistance band exercises every second day at home, as instructed, but they're not getting any easier and one knee in particular, is really aching. The physios say it takes time and just to keep going.
My 2 ducks (Jack and Vera) keep coming ,sometimes twice a day. They hadn't shown up for a couple of days last week and we thought that we wouldn't see them again, but back they came. I heard this big bang on the back conservatory roof about an hour ago, and got a heck of a fright as I thought it might have been a rat...... but no, it was Jack sitting up there. My cats were totally demented. Anyway, both ducks have had seed and water and have now flown away. We now have to be very careful when we feed the wild birds as Mouser, the cat across the road, comes over and sits on the lawn waiting. He's a nice cat but a great hunter and I don't want him catching my wee birds.
Sad news I'm afraid. My lovely neighbour, Elliot, is splitting up with his wife and they are putting their house up for sale next week. Elliot came over to tell me this morning.I feel so sorry for poor wee Jett and the new baby that Lauren is expecting.We have had a lot to do with Jett. Lauren has had a number of issues since his birth, and I know there's usually faults on both sides when something like this happens, but to me, Elliot seems so nice. Lauren moved out last week after a horrid row and is now living with her parents out of Christchurch and taken Jett with her. I hope that both of them do well. Janna is upset because she used to look after Jett a lot. We'll miss his cheeky wee face and his giggles.I believe Lauren is going to ring Janna herself and talk to her, as the two of them got on really well. I'll miss their dog's barking too.
PAMELA, sounds as if you're having a very busy and productive weekend. I hope you got the perfect snow globe at the xmas market yesterday. What a nice tradition, getting one every year.Now don't work too hard today sorting out the upstairs area.I hope it goes smoothly.I'm glad you're working downstairs now for the sake of Barney's sore legs. I remember sleeping on a horrible sofa for 6 months when we were living in rented accommodation due to earthquake repairs, just because Willow couldn't get up the extremely narrow steep staircase to the bedrooms. What we do for our pets, eh ?
SHELLEY,i'm so sorry that you didn't have fun at the ball, but goodness, you certainly made a lot of money, so I guess it was well worth it. I hope you're feeling a lot better now after your booster shot.Sometimes those shots can make you feel a bit icky. I'm not due for a booster yet but have managed to FINALLY get my vaccine pass, although still got to get it printed out and laminated, then remember to always carry it with me.
Well everyone, have a great Sunday Hope all Catsey cats and dogs are doing well.