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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,234
22-11-2021, 08:02 AM   #1

Monday daily.

Hi everyone and welcome to Monday. It's been a pleasant day here and I managed to get all my washing dry. I love the smell of washing warm from the sun.I've been looking around the house today and have decided that I still have too much stuff which I don't need or use, and I'm going to get rid of it all. I've still got so many jigsaw puzzles, some brand new, that I know I won't do, so I'll take them to the local rest home. They already have quite a few of mine, but I know the residents there love doing them and I'd rather they go to someone who will appreciate them. They're mainly cat/kitten ones and it breaks my heart to get rid of them, but i honestly don't have the room, especially with all my cousin's stuff here.

All cats are OK. I'll get another section of matts off wee Betsey tonight if I can catch her. It's a beautiful evening here, warm and very still.Nothing much on TV tonight though so may go out for a walk soon.

Dickens has taken a real liking to the Fancy Feast tubes, but he now waits to be hand fed, rather than eat them off his saucer. I've spoilt him since he's been sick and now he won't eat on his own.My wee wild birds are out on the back lawn, eating their supper. Jack and Vera (ducks) have already been for their tea and have flown away for the night, so all is well.

Got a busy day tomorrow. Going to do a big supermarket shop (hopefully I can get what I need), get our vaccine passports printed and laminated, and buy cat biscuits and cat litter online.

PAMELA and SHELLEY, hope all is well with you both and you had a good Sunday.I hope you managed to get your upstairs sorted, Pamela, Shelley,,I hope that your Bible study course is continuing to go well.I haven't got my essay back yet, but I'll let you know how I got on when it does come.

Have a good Monday everyone and don't work too hard.

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