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Shelley123's Avatar
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24-11-2021, 09:15 AM   #1


Hello everyone, sorry not been on much but caught up with all your news now.
Not much to report, work going well and I'm busy getting dolls and bears ready for my stall at the fair on 4th Dec.
Like you Dinky I have too much stuff and trying to have a bit less.
Some exciting things coming up, I'm going for afternoon tea in a house that I visited in the 60's with my parents when it was a doll museum.
It's a private dwelling now with no dolls but still interested to go back in.
Also booked to see a Christmas ghost story in a local stately home, all in Dec.
Dinky, what a shame about your neighbours.
Glad Dickens is doing well.
Pamela, hope you got your upstairs sorted out.

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pamela81's Avatar
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24-11-2021, 08:23 PM   #2

Re: Wednesday

Hi Shelley,

I hope your stall goes well I have no more now for the year but i have just finished my order of 25mats and they are getting picked up on Friday. The house you are goign to sounds interesting Shelley, i hope you enjoy it.

Dinky, sorry to hear about your neighbours splitting. I hope they stay on good terms for the sake of the little one and the baby on the way. Also good to hear Dickens is doing well and that you have managed to get more mats out of Betsy-may!

Not much to report here. WOrk has been busy recently. I was out running tonight for the first time in 10days as Steven and i had to go for a PCR test last week due to someone coming into his office who had been in contact with her dad who tested positive and she started feeling unwell. Thankfully both of ours were negative. Just waiting for the date to come through for our boosters now. We havent done the upstairs yet. We are doing it this weekend as the definite plan!

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