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pamela81's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: 2 domestic short haired
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
Posts: 3,957
27-11-2021, 08:07 PM   #1

very chilly Satruday

Evening Shelley and Dinky,

It is freezing here!! been cold all day! My wee sundial bird bath has been frozen since yesterday. I will need to get food in the feeders for the birds and break the ice in the bird bath for them.

We had Barney at the vet for a check up after his ear infection and it is clearing up the way it should be. We also got the 2 rooms upstairs switched about. I thought it would have taken both days this weekend to do it but we got it done in a few hours. We had 1 room tidy, then started on the next so the tidy room ended up full of stuff so had to go through the other room again!! but they both look great. I can also still have my office but just in the other room as my desk in in there now. I also now have a functioning bedroom for if anyone wants to stay which is the first in a long time!!

We are going to see Stevens 2 sisters tomorrow to see them and i also want baby cuddles!!!

We have had a takeaway from our favourite restaurant after i messed up a dinner booking! Sitting at home with a full belly having a couple of pink Gins celebrating my new job

Have a lovely weekend everyone

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