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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,234
28-11-2021, 07:58 AM   #1

Cold Sunday.

Good morning everyone. Sunday evening here and it's been a cold wet day. I've had a quiet weekend, trying to rest my knees in between doing the resistance exercises gently.Unfortunately ,my knees don't seem to be improving. I've got another 3 weeks of this physio course to complete before I can get into the hospital, but may go privately to a physio for a bit. and really concentrate on the exercises to strengthen the muscles.
Jack and Vera, the ducks, are back every day. Last night they seemed to want to sleep on the back lawn after their food. They both lay down and put their heads in their wings. We waited until 9.15pm when it was dark and then I had to gently move them off, because the cats had to go outside. Not sure whether they would have bothered the ducks, but I didn't want to risk it. The cats are very interested in them from the windows.After much hand clapping on my part (I must have looked like an idiot,) they finally took off., but arrived back today, so I must be forgiven. My magpies have also returned ,just mum and dad, not their young ones.Such beautiful birds they are.
My cousin came for lunch yesterday and we had a great time watching Mr Bean episodes. Her Golden Retriever is doing well and the new lump on her chest has not grown any more. She'll be 13 in December.Today I went to Animates pet shop for a bag of cat biscuits. Dickens is eating like a horse (hand fed of course) and is having no further litter box issues, although is still very nervous. Sometimes I swear that he can hear noises, which he never could before. Perhaps I'm imagining it, because it's unlikely that a cat could suddenly develop hearing after being deaf all its life.

PAMELA,, congratulations on getting that new job for next year. You must be so thrilled. I'm glad you celebrated with a pink gin or two. A new job needs to be celebrated.That goodness your PCR tests both came back negative. That's a load off your mind.You've sure been busy last week making all those snuffle mats and getting your upstairs sorted yesterday.Gosh, that didn't take you long. Poor Barney with an ear infection. I'm glad it's clearing up now. I hope you have a good time with Steven's sisters today. Let's hope today is a better day for you, weather wise.

SHELLEY, you also sound as if you've had a busy week too.You've certainly got some exciting things planned for December. I hope your stall on the 4th goes well and you sell lots of your items.And how lovely going to visit that house that used to be a doll museum. I bet it's changed a bit from the 60s when you were last there. Afternoon tea sounds great. as does that xmas ghost story that you'll be seeing. Hope it's not too spooky and you don't spend the night with your head under the bed blankets, too afraid to come out. (I've done that many times!!!).

Well I'm off to do the dishes. Gonna watch "Dr Death" on TV tonight. It's up to the 5th episode and it's really good.

Have a fantastic Sunday everyone and stay warm.

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Cats owned: 2 domestic short haired
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
Posts: 3,957
28-11-2021, 06:39 PM   #2

Re: Cold Sunday.

Hi Dinky, it is really cold here as well!! we woke up to a light covering of snow. Many other areas have had quite a bit more than us so we have avoided it for now!

sorry to hear your knees arent improving. I do hope the remaining physio sessions help!! Jack and Vera seem to be very settled in your garden! I also love magpies, i have one that comes to my garden although i havent seen him in a while! He did get brave one day and come up to my kitchen door whilst i was standing inside!

Your afternoon with your cousin sounds lovely! Ive never been a fan of Mr Bean but i know loads of people love the program. Also glad to hear your cousins dog is doing well

Shelley how has your weekend been? I hope you have a had a nice one.

We have been quite productive today after we walked the dogs. Took our bags of rubbish to the tip to get them out of the house. We also went and did a bit of shopping. I have a few nights out coming up so managed to get a top and shoes i can wear with black jeans. We also picked a few extra little bits for my dads christmas then we went and looked at cars as Steven has an old car and it is showing its age and is very rattly and noisy. He also cant connect his phone to it so he is missing a lot of work calls when he is out and about. Going to spend the rest of the night relaxing, watching videos on the car he likes and also finish watching the Freddie Mercury movie Bohemian Rhapsody

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