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Hi Dinky, it is really cold here as well!! we woke up to a light covering of snow. Many other areas have had quite a bit more than us so we have avoided it for now! sorry to hear your knees arent improving. I do hope the remaining physio sessions help!! Jack and Vera seem to be very settled in your garden! I also love magpies, i have one that comes to my garden although i havent seen him in a while! He did get brave one day and come up to my kitchen door whilst i was standing inside! Your afternoon with your cousin sounds lovely! Ive never been a fan of Mr Bean but i know loads of people love the program. Also glad to hear your cousins dog is doing well Shelley how has your weekend been? I hope you have a had a nice one. We have been quite productive today after we walked the dogs. Took our bags of rubbish to the tip to get them out of the house. We also went and did a bit of shopping. I have a few nights out coming up so managed to get a top and shoes i can wear with black jeans. We also picked a few extra little bits for my dads christmas then we went and looked at cars as Steven has an old car and it is showing its age and is very rattly and noisy. He also cant connect his phone to it so he is missing a lot of work calls when he is out and about. Going to spend the rest of the night relaxing, watching videos on the car he likes and also finish watching the Freddie Mercury movie Bohemian Rhapsody |