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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
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30-11-2021, 04:10 AM   #1

Warm Tuesday.

Hi everyone. Tuesday afternoon here and the washing is blowing around in a lovely warm breeze and hopefully nearly dry.Jack and Vera have been fed along with my little wild birds and everything is peaceful. Dickens was bad this morning ,but after a pill and some metacam, he has improved a little, had something to eat and is now asleep in the back conservatory. Pamela, I know that your Harris has also suffered from stress cystitis. How was it treated and did it keep coming back ? I feel so sorry for Dickens when he is so miserable and I don't know what to do to help him.

I've just cleaned out a kitchen cupboard and it looks really good. Going to start on the second one soon, then might start going through the food cupboards in a few days.Talk about so much junk ! I've kept one shelf for stationery items ,as I can never ever find a pen or paper when I need it.

Nothing much else to report here.I've got my physio course tomorrow afternoon to look forward too (NOT). We're just going to have scrambled eggs for tea tonight ,as I can't be bothered cooking anything.

I hope the weather has cleared a bit for you< Pamela and Shelley and that you both have a really good Tuesday. Only 4 weeks until Christmas - oh heck !!!

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Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: 2 domestic short haired
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Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
Posts: 3,957
30-11-2021, 01:23 PM   #2

Re: Warm Tuesday.

Aww poor dickens I do hope he continues to improve. Its cold and wet here today. I have a college assessment after work and that will be the last one this year for this class. It feels good when you do a clear out!

Harris settled down with it. Not had a flare-up in a few years. We were told biscuits were a main factor of the cause of it. We now give him biscuits for urinary tract and he is fine on them.

Hope your physio goes well!

I better get back to my work as doing the Jon of about 3 people just now!!

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