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09-04-2022, 05:10 AM   #1

Sunny Saturday Daily.

Good morning Pamela and Shelley.
Saturday afternoon here and a reasonably warm, sunny afternoon. I did heaps of washing this morning and it's out on the washing line drying nicely. I'm on antibiotics for my sore thumb, which is still rather swollen . The swelling was going up my hand, so I went down to the chemist and he took me in to the medical centre next door and got me a doctor's appointment straight away. It's not so sore now, thank goodness.So much for soakng it in epsom salts. !!!

Dickens is OK, still not eating his wet food, but loving his dry biscuits. He's happy anyway and loves going outside at night.

The other night ,we had a severe electrical storm about 10pm and the front conservatory roof leaked like crazy, all over the carpet. It's just a nylon garage carpet that EQC put down when they repaired the house, so not expensive. however it's not drying out, despite me airing it for the last 2 days, and it's starting to smell awful. It's really soaked through, so will turn on the fan heater out there tonight and see if that helps. I guess it must eventually dry out.

My grandson, Oren, tested positive for covid and now Brenna, Jared and the rest of the children are isolating. So far, they're all OK, apart from Oren, but none of the children are vaccinated and Brenna and Jared have not had a booster. Why ,I don't know !!! They were all heading down to Lake Wanaka over Easter because they are picking up a puppy - a Springer Spaniel, black and white wee boy-, and the breeder lives down there. I've got a feeling that they may have to put their trip on hold.. I was trying to talk her into getting a rescue dog but one of her clients had one of these puppies from the same breeder and Brenna decided to get one. It will be a wonderful rural home for the wee guy, but I tend to feel that the children are just too young and noisy at the moment. Anyway, nobody listens to me. They recently got a beautiful wee kitten, Fiasko, which the kids love, but they won't leave it alone, which tends to annoy me. Enough of me moaning. !!!

PAMELA,I totally agree with Shelley. You MUST go to the doctor and let him check out that cough. You are as important as anyone else. In fact, I'm hoping that you have now seen the doctor, and are taking something for it. Let's hope you're feeling much better now and are able to get a decent sleep at night.If you can get a decent sleep, you can pretty much cope with anything. Poor Skye must have been very disturbed with all that coughing !!! I hope she is doing OK, and starting to feel more secure now. AND your dad must be back from Romania by now. I do hope that he had a great time with his friend and is continuing to feel a lot better.

SHELLEY, I'm so sorry that Howard is unwell and I hope he is now feeling a lot better. I agree that it would be impossible for you and Chris to isolate in the van., so I'll keep everything crossed that you don't get it as well. It's just not fair, especially when you're on holiday. Hopefully your cousins will be safe as well. Did you and Chris manage to get out for a meal last night ? Poor Howard being left behind, but at least he had the pups for company.You'll all be looking forward to going out for a meal on Good Friday together. Lets hope your cousins will be able to join you then.

Well ladies, I'm off to check the washing which can probably come inside now. I hope that you both have a good Saturday and that the sun shines for you both today.

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09-04-2022, 08:23 AM   #2

Re: Sunny Saturday Daily.

Morning Dinky,

Sorry to hear that your wee Grandson has covid, i do hope he is ok as is Brenna and Jared. Hopefully they get their boosters soon.

Sorry to hear your thumb is still swollen, so glad you have antibiotics for it now to help.

I have woken up the last 2 days feeling better thankfully so not going to get an appointment. Still got a bit of a cough but it is certainly much better than it has been! Mia wasnt very well yesterday and was ick a few times but she is much better today and no mess overnight.

Skye is doing great, still very reluctant to let me out of her sight during the day. Dad is back from Romania and he enjoyed it. Think he needed the wee break.

Shelley, i hope Howard is ok and you manage not to catch covid. Have you managed to enjoy your holiday though? I do hope you are.

No idea what our plan is for today. We need to go see Stevens mum at some point for a belated mothers day as we werent well when it was mothers day so we didnt take a chance going to see her. We also want to got to the cinema as there area couple of movies we want to see.

Have a great day everyone

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09-04-2022, 12:25 PM   #3

Re: Sunny Saturday Daily.

Howard feeling a bit better and so far Chris and myself ok.
My cousins husband has a sore throat today, they have just gone home this morning.
Dad is feeling not too bad but couldn't take Reuben to the vets.
He has however got more treatment for him and thinks his eye is improving.
We are still going out on dog walks as it's so remote here and you don't come across anyone.
Chris and myself had a lovely meal out last night.
Pamela, hope Skye is OK now and glad your dad had a good time.
Dinky, sorry your grandson has covid, hope everyone else doesn't catch it.
Hope your thumb is better soon, good job you got antibiotics.

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