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pamela81's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: 2 domestic short haired
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
Posts: 3,950
26-12-2022, 07:24 PM   #1

Boxing day daily

Good evening ladies,

I hope you both had a lovely christmas. I certainly got spoiled. The start of the day wasnt great as we went out to my car to head to my dads and someone had hit it during the night and dented and badly scratched it so had to raise a crime report soo i can give it to my insurance tomorrow when i phone them. I am putting the car off the road until its repaired as the passenger door isnt properly secure as the handle is also damaged. The rest of the day was lovely though. Nice seeing my dad and sister and the kids and then Stevens family for dinner which was really nice!!

We went out and did a little bit of shopping today and i have nearly decided on buying myself a nintendo switch as a treat. Always fancied one but never bit the bullet and done it. Also going to buy a new steam mop tomorrow as Robyn chewed through the wire of mine!!

Dinky, i hope you had a lovely day and got spoiled!! What did you do for dinner?

Shelley, sorry to hear Chris appointment didnt go as planned. I hope all is ok. Glad you enjoyed the church service on both days. Did you have a nice christmas dinner

Take care ladies

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