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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,238
17-02-2025, 12:43 AM   #1

Cooler Monday Daily.

Good morning ladies,
Monday morning here and it's a coolish day - meant to rain this afternoon though.I actually love this sort of overcast weather. I've started going out for short walks every day. I'm still really frightened and it's painful, but I'm getting there, and I actually feel really good when I get home again. Janna walks with me and I take one crutch, but don't lean too heavily on it. I don't know why my confidence has suddenly disappeared out the window though.I guess I can build it up again.

Janna has gone to the Animal and Bird Hospital to get some more flea treatment for Miracle who has started scratching again.She's not making herself bleed yet,and I don't want her to get as bad as she was before. I also don't want her to have another steroid injection as I don't think they're good for her. I still can't find any evidence of fleas on her and neither could the vet. Miracle is very close to Janna and is waiting by the security door in the front conservatory for her to come home again.She always does that.Whereas Willow was always very much my dog, the cats, apart from Snoddy, are all very much Janna's. and will lie draped all over her when she is watching TV. They never do that with me, even if I try and coax them.

My sister enjoyed her meal and dessert on Saturday night, so I'm going to continue getting those meals for every Saturday night from now on. I can cook for Janna and me through the week, just basic food as I find it too hard to stand up for long, but I feel I have to give Mary something decent when she comes ,as she is always buying me grocery items and cat food and won't let me pay her for them. I gave her her xmas presents that I hadn't given her for xmas and she was happy.One of them was this really nice coaster that was made up north by a lady who works in resin. It changes colour according to the light and I really wanted to keep it myself, but unfortunately it was a one off creation. I also got her a metal stand alone toilet roll holder in the shape of a tabby cat, which sounds weird ,but she loved it as it looks like her cat, Pippa,

Creamy cheese and bacon pasta for tea tonight. Janna isn't working so it will be great to have some company. If the rain holds off, I'll go out for a walk as soon as Janna gets home

PAMELA, sorry to hear that you've still got a bit of a cold. It's probably going to be hard to shake off in the cold weather. The neighbours will be pleased that their house has sold quickly. It makes it seem very real, doesn't it ? As I told you, there is no rush at all for you to find the perfect house. It's out there somewhere, and you will find it when the time is right. AND in the meantime, you'll both have fun looking.Pamela, the frozen desserts I got from the meal place were apple and fruit crumble and brownie with berry coulis. They are both designed to be thawed and heated. We had the apple and fruit crumble on Saturday and I had warm custard and sorbet with it. It was so yummy. I hope you had a good weekend and managed to relax a bit, even though the girls will keep you on your toes. Poor Stanley is STILL at that horrid school that I told you about - I don't know how Brenna can do that to him. and I'm still really angry about it Still I must learn to keep my big mouth shut.

SHELLEY, hope you ,Howard and the pups are all doing well and getting through the cold weather. You will all be looking forward to the arrival of summer. Not long to wait now.

Well ladies, I'll go and get a cup of coffee now. Janna should be home soon.

Have a great Monday Pamela and Shelley, and a really good week to follow.

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