I have to say Tigger was the best cat I have ever seen. We had him since he was 13 weeks old, and he is the half brother to Geri, but while Geri is a mixed breed, Tigger is a purebred Siberian Cat. He never bit hard, he only walked on the tables when asked

, he slept with me every night, his only fault was that he was a glutten.
One time we had bought about 2 kilos of small fish for Tigger. They were still alive so we put them in the bath tub, we then had to go out, leaving Tigger alone. We came home and found an extremely bloated Tigger lying on the floor of the kitchen, he was so bloated he actually appeared round. I went to the bathroom and was greeted by an extrodinary sight. Tigger had caught and eaten every fish except for three.

He didn't eat for 4 days afterwards.
But this story also has a sad ending. Tigger didn't come in that fateful morning. I took Penny out for our morning walk and found Tigger on the road.

It is a horrible thing to have to carry your cat home, bloody and stiff. But I couldn't leave him there, the road cleaners were going to come around any minute. I still love him and I always will. He was only 2 years when he died.
A nice face shot. Isn't that the prettiest face you've ever seen?
Pretending to be sleeping.
I was looking around in our pictures today and I found this one. It brought it all back.

He is in the Tepee, but he blends in.